Active Suffolk
Physical Activity Strategy for Suffolk

Active Suffolk has been given a unique opportunity to shape Physical Activity in the county and is working collaboratively with Suffolk County Council, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils, East Suffolk Council, Ipswich Borough Council and West Suffolk Council, to create, design and publish a Physical Activity Strategy for Suffolk.

To ensure a wide-range of views are sought and can have an input into the strategy, we are embarking upon a period of consultation with stakeholders and partners who have an interest either directly or indirectly with movement and physical activity.

 How can you help?

  • Tell us your views. By taking part in a short online survey.  This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and is available by clicking here.  The survey will be open for responses until 5pm on Friday 27th October.

  • The information you give will be held and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. For more information, please see Active Suffolk's privacy notice here.

  • Share. It’s really important that as many people as possible get the opportunity to complete this survey. SALC has been asked to encourage councils to take part. 

  • Provide feedback. Initial priorities derived from surveying will be tested at events, virtual and in-person in November (dates below), you can provide your details for an invite via completion of the survey.

      14th November – 10:00-11:30

      15th November – 14:00-15:30

      20th November – 14:00-15:30

SCC transport engagement
Have your say on walking, wheeling and cycling