Funding available
Bus network improvements

Suffolk Passenger Transport, SCC, have asked SALC to share this information with councils.  SCC have been granted £1.8million to spend each year in 2023/24 and 2024/25 on enhancements to the current passenger transport network.  Some of this will be going to the bus companies in order to support existing services, and some will be going into design work on Bus Priority schemes to get them ready for delivery when we are able to secure capital funding.  With the remainder of the grant we want to support new or improved services at a local level where demand can be proven. 

Suffolk OnBoard are now asking Parish/Town Councils, Bus Companies and other groups to submit ideas and suggestions for these improvements.  Our preferred method for this is via an online application form which can be found here: Suffolk on Board - News / Bus Service Improvement Plan Plus: Where should the money be spent? We will be able to consider paper applications from those who cannot manage the online system.  We believe that the web page and form are self-explanatory, but will be able to answer questions if required. 

This funding and the allocation process will be the main topic covered at the next Enhanced Bus Partnership Passenger Group meeting.  This will be held online via MS Teams at 1400 on 14th November.  The meeting can be accessed via this link: 

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 351 205 067 022
Passcode: Tw4pbp

We encourage those considering submitting a bid to attend the above online meeting. 

Please note that we are asking that all applications submitted by community groups demonstrate that they have the support of their county councillor.  Can I please ask that you work together with neighbouring parishes in your bids, as those with the greatest co-ordinated local support are the services most likely to remain viable once the funding is spent.

We do appreciate that the deadlines stated on the web page are extremely tight, particularly for groups that may not meet every month.  There may be future bidding rounds going forward, but we need to start developing schemes as soon as possible in order to demonstrate to the Department for Transport that we can deliver schemes quickly and utilise the funding in this financial year.

We will provide feedback on all applications received, and hope to notify bidders in round one of the outcome by 20th December 2023 and round two by 31st January 2024.  Please note that contractual arrangements, legal agreements or other requirements for this funding are still being developed.  Their final form will depend upon the schemes submitted, which are successful in receiving funding and the DfT terms and conditions for spending the money.  These will be finalised with successful bidders once awards are made.

For enquiries, please click on this link to contact Suffolk OnBoard. 

Active Suffolk
Physical Activity Strategy for Suffolk