Local Government Act 1972
< Back to Article Listc. Schedule 12
Last updated: 10 December 2024 at 09:08:25 UTC by Sophie Brouillet
Part II of Schedule 12 relates to parish councils:
Para 7 – holding of an annual meeting; held in May or within a specified time if an election year; time of the annual meeting.
Para 8 – shall hold three other meetings in addition to the annual meeting.
Para 9 – power for chair to call an extraordinary meeting and provisions for others to call such a meeting if chair doesn’t upon request.
Para 10(1) – venue of a parish council meeting and licensed premises issues.
Para 10(2)(a) – public notice requirements
Para 10(2)(b) – summons to councillor requirements and timing, Proper Officer to sign summons, agenda which must specify business, method of delivery of summons to councillors.
Para 11 – If Chair present at a meeting, he/she must preside and what happens if chair is not present.
Para 12 – Quorum
Para 13 – Voting by show of hands unless council has adopted a different policy for this; recorded vote power.
Para 39 – How decisions must be made in meetings and the power for the chair to have a casting vote.
Para 40 – Names of the councillors present at a meeting must be recorded.
Para 41 – Minutes must be kept in perpetuity, the format in which they can be kept and when they will be signed.
Para 42 – Power for a council to make standing orders and power to vary or revoke them.
Para 43 – Proceedings of a council not to be invalidated by any vacancy.
Para 44 – Reference to this part of Schedule 12 applying to committees and sub-committees.
Para 45 – Disqualification of members in relation to quorum.
Part III of Schedule 12 relates to parish meetings.