a. Provision of allotments

Last updated: 9 December 2024 at 15:18:31 UTC by Sophie Brouillet

Where a parish council is of the opinion that there is a demand for allotments, s.23, Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908 requires it to provide sufficient number of allotments and to lease these to persons resident in the parish. The council is obliged to take into account the written representation of any six residents either on the electoral register or responsible for paying Council Tax.

S.25 of the same Act allows a parish council to purchase or lease land for the purpose of providing allotments. This can be either inside or outside of the parish.

Land which has been purchased or appropriated for the purpose of allotments cannot be sold or otherwise disposed of without the consent of the Secretary of State. It can however be exchanged for more suitable land under certain circumstances (see NALC Advice Note - Disposal and Appropriation of Land by Local Councils).

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