Planning processes
Joint statement by SALC and East Suffolk Council

Following circulation of the SALC planning survey summary report on behalf of town and parish councils, East Suffolk Council and SALC have recently met and have agreed that opportunities exist to potentially work more closely together to enable ESC to develop solutions to further improve processes which will address some of the key findings of the survey.  As always in planning, key to this is focussing on looking forward to address issues such as communication and transparency to enable all parties to better understand the planning decision process and reasons for outcomes acknowledging these need to be made solely on planning grounds. Both organisations recognise that closer working with all participants and networks including SALC will add value. 

ESC are constantly updating processes to improve the service and a number of changes have already taken place recently and ambitions to re-start  other engagement initiatives are in the process of being implemented post the forthcoming elections. This commitment includes to re-group following the May elections with a view to supporting town and parish councils in their representative role at community level in the handling of planning applications.   

To view the SALC planning summary report click here.

To view details of the East Suffolk Scrutiny Committee meeting considering the democratic accountability within the planning process held on 2nd March where SALC provided a written report - click here. 

SALC publishes latest e-newsletter
The Local Councillor, March 2023 now available to read