Suffolk HOPE Awards
Nominations now open until 24 February 2023

Suffolk Constabulary and Suffolk County Council have launched the third Suffolk HOPE Awards during National Hate Crime Awareness Week to recognise and celebrate the positive contributions that young people make within the county. 

Secondary schools and education providers for 16 - 18-year-olds are invited to nominate a worthy young person or group whom they think have been involved in inspiring projects and activities for themselves and those around them. 

Nominations are welcome for any young person aged between 11 and 18 years-old who has gone above and beyond and continued to demonstrate resilience, determination and teamworking during 2021/22. 

Nominations are now open and will close on Friday 24 February 2023.

Click on this link for further information.

Section 137 limit
Limit for 2023-24 now available