Transport East Survey
Results of a Rural Mobility Survey

Over November and December 2022, Transport East ran a survey with local town and parish councils to help understand the unique challenges and opportunities facing rural communities across the Transport East region.  This survey looked at how close and how easy it is for people to access essential facilities such as education, medical and food shopping.  SALC published a dedicated news blog promoting the survey and encouraging councils to participate, click on this link to view that news blog 

Parishes were also asked to identify the key areas of concern for transport in their communities and rate the transport facilities.  Over 370 councils responded. 

We analysed and mapped the responses to give a fuller picture of the transport needs in our rural areas.  It provides regional data evidence of well-known issues experienced by rural communities, as well as showing where there are opportunities for improvement and the obstacles to be overcome. 

The interactive dashboard is available to view, click on this link to access the Rural Mobility Survey Dashboard - Transport East, along with the report of results. They have also published the recently completed Compendium of Practise for Rural Mobility, click on this link to view, which outlines case studies for best practice in Rural Mobility solutions globally, helping those involved in planning and delivering rural transport.  

Courses for communities
A new programme available from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust