
8 articles

a. Qualifying criteria

Unless disqualified under s.80, s.79 of the Local Government Act 1972 says a person is qualified to…

b. Disqualification

Under s.80, Local Government Act 1972, a person is disqualified from being a Parish Councillor if t…

c. Acceptance of office

On being elected (or co-opted) to office, a councillor must sign a declaration of their acceptance…

d. Disclosing interests

Within 28 days of becoming a councillor, s .30 Localism Act 2011 requires the member to register wi…

e. Council tax arrears - restrictions on voting

When a Council is considering its precept or agreeing its budget, under s.106, Local Government Fin…

f. Vacation of office due to non-attendance

Members are elected (or co-opted) to office and have a responsibility to attend meetings. The effec…

g. Complaints about a councillor

Formal complaints about councillors will generally allege a breach of the Code of Conduct. The Loca…

h. Conduct

Councils have a legal duty under s.27, Localism Act 2011 to promote and maintain high standards of…